Washington’s City Council met in the Council Chambers for the first time since regulations to combat the pandemic were implemented. The main item in the agenda was a presentation from Daviess County Economic Development Director Bryant Niehoff outlining a proposed Washington Commons. Niehoff told Council members that while most communities have a central gathering area or town square, Washington does not, which limits Washington’s ability to host events without closing streets and impacting businesses. The proposed Commons would be located in the area of the Jay Myers parking lot and the old Hayes Automotive building. The Daviess County Economic Development Foundation already owns the parking lot, and has options on the vacant Hayes property. The Foundation has received a state grant to help fund the project, but will need public as well as private funding. Niehoff said the Knights of Columbus has set aside $250,000 to support the project and asked the City to consider using $400,000 in EDIT funds to help with the downtown improvement. Mayor Rhoads says the project would benefit Washington
The projected cost of the Commons is estimated to be $1.6 million. The proposal will be on the Council agenda the first meeting in July.
Other news from the council meeting: The council heard the first reading of an ordinance that will establish a special fund to pay the costs of the Waste Water Phosphorus removal project.
The Council also heard complaints from local resident Herb Parham and Rosemary Harner, a Loogootee resident with property in Washington. Both Parham and Harner had received notices From the City to cut high grass. Harner complained that the City had billed her for cutting grass on her property that did not need to be cut.
Washington’s Board of Public Works and Safety met following the City Council meeting and awarded The contract for infrastructure work on the old U.S. 50 project from East Third to the west City Limits to Don Gress Construction. Don Gress Construction had the low bid of $4.3 million. The Engineer’s estimate for the project to replace and relocate sewer and water lines under the highway was $4.9 million.