The Washington Board of Public Works and Safety met following the City Council meeting Monday night. The Board denied a request to close Brett Cabel Road from 12 Street to Sugarland Road for a neighborhood block party. Board members cited concerns about the length of the road to be closed, setting a precedent for closing residential streets for private parties, and safey concerns since the road is the only access for safety vehicles to most of the residences in the area. The Board did agree to have the street department place caution signs in the area.
The Board did approve a request from the Catholic Community to close streets around Our Lady of Hope and Washington Catholic High School for the annual summer social on August 22 and 23.
In other business the Board approved the first pay estimate for the Wastewater improvement project. They also approved a change order for the project made necessary by the discovery of an old buried foundation that had to be removed and back-filled.