Washington Community Schools have announced a couple of reminders for parents. Elementary students will not be able to enter the buildings until 7:45 am in order to minimize student gatherings. They ask that you please keep your child in your car until 7:45 am to minimize students gathering by the doors. Breakfast will be Grab and Go, and students will take it with them to their designated place, staff will direct students.
As part of their COVID-19 Back to School plan, no visitors will be allowed in the buildings. Staff will be available to help students find their classrooms. Buses will run the same bus routes and bus stops, however, they will run approximately 15 minutes later than last year.
For elementary schools, the school day will begin at 8:00 am and dismiss at 3:00 pm.
For the Junior High, the school day will begin at 8:05 am and dismiss at 3:08 pm
For the High School, the school day will begin at 8:05 am and dismiss at 3:10 pm
For more information, visit washingtoncommunityschools.com