Trick or Treating in the City of Washington has been set for Saturday evening, October 31st from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. In light of the COVID pandemic,
Mayor Rhoads suggests that residents who are comfortable accepting trick-or-treaters have their porch lights on indicating that they are willing to welcome Trick or Treaters.
The Mayor also suggests that those going out to Trick or Treat consider visit only relatives and close friends.
Mayor Rhoads says the City’s goal is for the children to have an enjoyable evening, but at the same time we need to do our best to keep everyone safe and healthy.
The Mayor also says that any business or organization planning a “Halloween Safe Stop” is highly encouraged to take all steps in making it as safe as possible for everyone. We ask that you to do your best to practice social distancing, mask up, and use hand sanitizer often.