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Loogootee holiday events still set to happen with adjustments


On Monday, the City of Loogootee Festival & Special Events Committee worked as a group to assess the upcoming Christmas Stroll, Parade, and Tree Lighting Event. The event currently is scheduled to happen the evening of December 6th between the hours of 4:00pm. -8:30pm. As part of assessing the upcoming event, the committee reached out to the local Health Department and Emergency Personnel to ask for Guidance. As of Friday the 27th, the Annual Christmas Parade will go on, but will be different this year. The Parade will be centered in the downtown area with floats and entries aligning West Main Street. This will allow for residents to safely drive past the entries and enjoy the beauty of each one. Each store will be open as normal based on the preferences of each individual business owner. The Tree Lighting will also still happen and will now be at 6:30pm with plans to live stream if possible.  More details are to come on other events as decisions are made.

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