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Daviess County Health Officer issues new order


On Sunday November 22, 2020 The Daviess County (IN) Health Officer issued an order based on the increased number of COVID-19 positive cases in Daviess County. With the cooperation of the citizens of Daviess County the number of daily positive COVID-19 community cases has flattened for now. Therefore, the original order that was to end on Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 11:59 pm will now end on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 11:59 pm.
This Health Order supersedes and replaces the November 22, 2020 order.
As of December 4, 2020 at 12:00 am the following guidelines and restrictions are in effect:
1) All Daviess County schools will return to a level green status for attendance. It will be at the discretion of each school as to when they will resume in-person attendance.
2) Extra-curricular activities may resume on Friday, December 4, 2020 at 12:00 am, limited to participants and staff only. All extra-curricular activities may resume at Daviess County schools beginning December 7, 2020 at 12:00 am, under the previous guidelines set by each school system.
3) All social gatherings, whether indoor, or out, will have attendance limitations as set forth in Governor Holcomb’s Executive Orders.
4) Mask protocols in all public places must still be observed at all times, as set forth in Governor Holcomb’s
Executive Orders.
5) Funeral home visitations will be allowed with social distancing and mask protocols observed, as set forth inGovernor Holcomb’s Executive Orders.
6) All fitness centers and the like are to observe social distancing and mask protocols as set forth in Governor
Holcomb’s Executive Orders.
7) All restaurants, taverns, nightclubs and bars will have no limitations on capacity, however social distancing and mask protocols must be observed as set forth in Governor Holcomb’s Executive Orders.
8) All businesses must follow social distancing and mask protocols as set forth in Governor Holcomb’s Executive
9) All religious services are still encouraged to utilize virtual services. Any in-person services must follow social distancing and mask protocols at all times as set forth in Governor Holcomb’s Executive Orders.
10) All nursing homes and assisted living facilities are allowed to conduct outdoor visitations.
The Helath Department thanks the citizens of Daviess County for cooperating with the temporary restrictions.

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