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Washington School Board swears in new members

Randy Bouchie, Kyle Cornelius, and Tim Hedrick, who were elected to the Washington Community School Board in November’s election, took their oath of office on Thursday. It happened during the school board’s annual reorganization meeting. The Board chose Bouchie to be president. Pam Bartlett was elected vice-president, and Steve Frette was chosen as board secretary. Cari Alford was re-appointed as Corporation Treasurer, and Andrea Martin was appointed assistant treasurer. Superintendent Dr. Dan Roach will be the Washington Schools representative to the Twin Rivers Vocational Co-Op, the Daviess Martin special Education Co-Op, and the Educational Service Centers Risk Trust Fund.
Roach reported that the Corporations interest income in 2020 was $77,352. Roach said that was down significantly from previous years due to the lower interest rates. Roach also reported the Washington Schools have seen a net increase of 20 students since school began in the Fall. Roach predicts the numbers will continue to grow.
In personnel action, the Board accepted the resignation of Junior High School social studies teacher, Michelle Baxter.  Baxter has accepted the elementary principal position at Shakamak. Also, High School ELL Aide Christina Meyers is now working with the Co-op and has been replaced by Sasha Larracuente. The Board also approved several long-term substitutes. The Board’s regular meeting date will remain the same, 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Members elected to Washington’s school board in November take the oath of office.   From left:  Kyle Cornelius, Tim Hedrick, and Randy Bouchie.  Bouchie was unable to stand due to a recent medical procedure.

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