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Mayor Rhoads talks COVID relief, delivers State of the City Address


During last nights City Council Meeting, Michelle Carrico presented a list of seven local businesses who had requested funds through the Small Business Relief Grant. They were approved by the Daviess County Economic Development Corporation. The City of Washington received a $250,000 gran to help local businesses impacted by the COVID pandemic. Businesses can receive as much as $10,000 if they qualify. This was the second group of applicants to be approved.   Mayor Rhoads encourages local businesses to apply for the grant.  The Mayor says the City wants to help as many businesses as possible.
The Council also approved a resolution adopting the Daviess County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The plan, presented by Daviess County Emergency Management, is updated every five years.
In other business, the Council approved an ordinance dealing with flood hazards within the City.  With the changes, the City’s codes were brought up to current DNR standards.
The Council also accepted bids on a city owned plot at 9 S.E. 15th Street. The high bid was $8,200 submitted by Jim Kidwell, a neighboring property owner. At the end of the meeting, Mayor Rhoads gave his annual State of the City address. The Mayor reviewed the successful city projects, and the how the City had served the citizens of Washington during an on-going pandemic. You can listen to the Mayor’s address this weekend on Focus on the Community.

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