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WCS School Board approves mask mandate

The debate over COVID and masks was not specifically on the Washington School Board’s agenda Thursday night, but it was the main topic of discussion. Unlike several other communities faced with a similar discussion throughout the country, the crowd at Thursday’s Board meeting was civil and generally agreed that the Board members were in a no-win situation.
Some stated they were in favor of eliminating contact tracing and masks. Dr. Jason Omer, a local chiropractor, told the Board that the schools’ COVID measures shouldn’t be any more stringent than those imposed during a flu epidemic. Some expressed concern regarding students trying to read facial cues from other students and teachers in masks. Others were in favor of the mask mandate and even recommended setting up a vaccine clinic at the school.
The final comments came from Daviess County’s Health Officer, Dr. Merle Holsopple who noted the Indiana Medical Department and the CDC recommend contact tracing and said that eliminating it would be a “slippery slope”. Holsopple said that COVID cases in Daviess County are rising rapidly and that wearing masks was a good idea for limiting the spread of the virus in younger kids.
Both sides agreed that keeping kids in class, in person, was the most important objective.
After listening to both sides, the Board voted unanimously to institute a mask mandate for students and staff when less than six feet from other individuals. The mandate will be in in effect for the next two weeks when circumstances will be re-examined. Contact tracing will continue to be implemented, but will be waived for those students who were fully masked when the close contact occurred.

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