The Daviess-Martin CISMA was hard at work last weekend with their first volunteer Weed Wrangle at West Boggs Park.
For 2 hours on Saturday October 16th, 9 workers covered 2-3 acres in the park, removing invasive plants, and applying herbicide to prevent the plants from re-sprouting.
The volunteer group was directed by staff from the Soil & Water Conservation District and West Boggs Park.
The Daviess-Martin CISMA is considering making this workday an annual event, as there are several other areas of the park they say could benefit from invasive removal.
They will discuss this as well as other 2022 workday options at their winter planning meeting.
For more information on the Daviess-Martin CISMA, or to join their email list, contact, or call Emily Finch at (812)-482-1171 x3.
You can also follow them on Facebook at