Washington, IN: Washington Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Dan Roach has announced his retirement
effective June 2022. Dr. Roach has been the superintendent for the district since 2012. He earned his BA from
Anderson University in Elementary Education in 1981, Master’s degree in Education from IUPUI in 1984, Ed.S
from Indiana University in 2004, and Ed.D from Indiana University in 2005. As an educator for 42 years, Dr. Roach
began teaching at Jerman Elementary in Greensburg, moving into administration as principal of Eastern Greene
Elementary and then Assistant Superintendent at Eastern Greene Schools in Bloomfield, Indiana. Returning to
Decatur County in 2005, he served as Assistant Superintendent and then Superintendent of Decatur County
Community Schools.
Dr. Roach has been active in many community and educational organizations throughout his career. His
involvement extends from participating in philanthropic activities associated with Rotary and serving on various
boards such as Daviess County CEO, Daviess County Community Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, Indiana
State BETA Council, and IAPSS.
School Board President Randy Bouchie extends his thanks to Dr. Roach on behalf of the school board. “As a
board we have experienced first hand your leadership, your friendship and your passion for our school
corporation. We have enjoyed working with you to meet the challenges set before us as a district head on, and
even this past year as we took on the challenges of COVID-19 together. Thank you for everything you have done
to bring us to where we are today. Washington Community Schools will continue grow and thrive thanks to your
leadership as superintendent these past several years.”
Dr. Roach expressed his gratitude as he reflected on his time at Washington Community Schools. “It has been a
privilege to work with the board, educators, staff, and community members in Washington as the district has
continued to create relevant opportunities that allow students to mature into adults that will be successful in their
career choices. From the changes in technology, the expanding dual credit offerings, or the hands-on coursework
found in our buildings, Hatchet students are truly the beneficiaries of dedicated individuals. As a lifelong teacher, I
believe I have been blessed to be part of the Hatchet family.”