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City Approves Closures for Wine & Brew Fest


With only one item on the agenda, last night’s Washington City Council meeting lasted a little less than ten minutes.
During the meeting, the Council did enact an ordinance appropriating funds to the city through a state and federal COVID program.
The Board of Public Works & Safety met following the council meeting. The Utility Office proposed to write off bills from 2017 which have not been able to be collected. Utility office manager Staci Anderson told the board that the write-offs had dropped from last year.
The Board also heard a request from Daviess County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Joe Morris. Morris told the Board that the Chamber was planning to enlarge the annual Wine and Brew Fest to include four bands and other activities running the length of the Main Street business district on April 30th.
The Board granted the request to close Main Street from Meridian to Highway 57, and side streets from South Street to Van Trees from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm on the 30th.  Following the meeting Morris talked about the upgraded Wine and Brew Festival… 

Morris said the bands would be on a stage in the area that will soon become the Washington Commons.     

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