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WAMW works hard to keep our on-air programs interesting with special interviews focusing on events and people you want to hear about! Listen below to past interviews.

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Mark Bowman discusses the proper way to dispose of the American Flag.  Drop box is set up at the Washington American Legion at the Main Street entrance. Listen to the full interview here…….
Carly Kincannon founder of  “America’s Sweethearts” Show talks about their upcoming performance this Friday night at the VU Red Skelton Performing Arts Center.  Tickets are available by calling 812-888-4354 or online at Listen to the full interview here… …
Tyler Baker with “Goodbye June” talks about their show this Saturday night at The Astra Theater in Jasper. Listen to the full interview here……
DeWayne Shake talks with one of the players “Dragon” about tonight’s match up with the Martin County Marvels.  Doors open at 6pm, and the game begins at 7pm….
DeWayne Shake talks with John Dillon co-founder of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils.  They will be performing tonight at the Brown County Music Center in Nashville, IN. Listen to the full interview here… …
DeWayne Shake talks with Nashville recording artist Michael Ray about his upcoming show this Saturday night at the Buffalo Trace Festival on the square in Petersburg.  The concert is free.  The festival starts Thursday and runs through Saturday in downtown Petersburg. Listen to the full interview here… …
Martha Schitter discusses Praise Day in the Park at the Loogootee Park this Saturday from 2-6pm sponsored by Redeeming Grace Women’s Ministries in Loogootee. Listen to the full interview here… …
Patrick Myers lead singer of “Killer Queen” a tribute to Freddie Mercury and Queen talks to DeWayne Shake about the bands upcoming show at the Brown County Music Center on October 3rd….
Tyler Baker from Goodbye June discusses their upcoming show at The Astra Theater in Jasper on November 2nd.  Tickets for this show are almost sold out and going fast. …
Michael Griffin Escape Artist and Magician will perform at the Astra Theater in Jasper on October 5th. DeWayne Shake talks with him about the upcoming show, and what to expect.  Tickets are available at….
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